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Paywall for Notion

Monetize your Notion content with a premium member experience!

Give your audience exclusive access, control who sees what, and offer tiered memberships with valuable perks.

Ditch generic Notion URLs and create a captivating, lightning-fast website on your domain.

Control access to your Notion pages

Lock down pages, sections or even database columns with flexible paid memberships options. Mix & match to perfectly control access and unlock value for your audience. Powered by Stripe.

  • Accept one-off payments

    Accept payments with Credit card, Apple Pay or anything! All payments are handled by Stripe.

  • Pay what you want

    Let your audience decide how much they want to pay - you define the minimum amount.

  • Recurring payments

    Require a monthly/yearly subscription to maintain access to your premium content.

Tiered memberships

  • Bundle pages

    Group pages into Free, Basic or Pro pricing tiers, and let users access all pages in given tier.

  • Split page into levels

    Ask for higher prices for super-premium page sections and database rows/columns.

Access methods such as NFTs, guest lists, email signup and passwords are also supported.

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